At Rope Ladder Fiction we believe development should be a progressive and enjoyable process. We have funded development with a number of broadcasters and streamers and have TV series projects in development, as well as feature films and short films.

We run a very targetted development slate, and don’t accept any unsolicited projects. We work with writers in a bespoke way to ensure we innovate development around their needs and embrace their best practice – currently we are also involving directors and actors in a small number of our development projects.

Short Film

We are passionate about short film and for emerging writers we often believe that the format of the short film provides a brave space in which they are able explore their boldest visions. Recent shorts include Osoro from Sheila Nortley and Suprise, Baby! from Zane Igbe. We are always seeking funding partners and opportunities to increase our portfolio of short films. We hope that some of our shorts will be further developed as series ideas or features.


As with short film, we believe that the one-act play provides freedom for writers, not constrained by the structures of series television. We have encouraged writers we are developing projects with us to also explore ideas for stage as well as screen. We love that Rope Ladder Fiction ideas can exist in many forms; we want to create brave spaces for emerging and established talent. We are currently in discussing developments with regional venues.

In 2023 Rope Ladder Fiction worked with champions of Northern Talent, Box of Tricks Theatre Company.

Partnering with them on their Box Fresh initiative which brought together the worlds of playwriting and screenwriting and celebrating the shared values of our companies – namely next generation talent and underrepresented local voices.

As with screenplays we do not accept unsolicited materials. All of our developments are paid.